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Nuove Musiche

thu 16 dec 2021 19:00 hour

This hour features a new, special CD with early music.

On this episode we share two recently released CDs containing Christmas repertoire from the Middle Ages and Renaissance: “Hodie Christus natus est – A medieval Christmas” by The Boston Camerata and “An Elizabethan Christmas” by Fretwork.

On the first CD The Boston Camerata offers an image of diversity of themes and styles within the Christmas music from Europe in the Middle Ages. Most pieces are from Aquitaine and England.

The second CD contains music from England, composed during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I. It focuses on William Byrd, who composed several songs for singing voice and gamba consort, also known as consort songs. These songs alternate with instrumental music of his contemporaries, especially Anthony Holborne.

1. Hodie Christus natus est

2. Uterus hodie Virginis floruit
3. Adest Sponsus
4. Oiet Virgines
5. Nos virgines
6. Amen dico
7. Veine pleine de duçur
8. Edi be thu hevene quene
9. Por nos virgen madre
10. Gregis pastor

The Boston Camerata conducted by Anne Azéma
(CD: “Hodie Christus natus est – A medieval Christmas” – Harmonia mundi HMM 905339, 2021)


William Byrd (1543-1623)
11. Out of the Orient

Anthony Holborne (1545-1602)
12. Pavan
13. As it fell on Holie Eve
William Byrd
14. From virgin’s womb

Martin Peerson (1571-1650)
15. Upon my lap my sovereign sits

Anthony Holborne
16. Lullabie

17. Sweet was the song the virgin sang

Helen Charlston, mezzo soprano. Fretwork with: Emma Walshe, Lucy Cox, soprano. Amy Liddon, alto. Malachy Frame, baritone. Edmund Saddington, bass-baritone
(CD: “An Elizabethan Christmas” – Signum Classics SIGCD 680, 2021)

Anthony Holborne
18. The Cradle
(CD: see 11-17)

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