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Nuove Musiche

thu 2 sep 2021 19:00 hour

This hour features a new, special CD with early music.

This time the CDs ‘Inviolata – Josquin Des Prez’ by Jacob Heringman and ‘Philippe Verdelot – Madrigals for four voices’ by Profeti della Quinta.

Josquin des Prez (ca. 1450/55–1521) / Hans Gerle (ca. 1500-1570)
1. Inviolata, integra et casta es
-I. Inviolata, integra et casta es
-II. Nostra, ut pura pectora
-III. O benigna

Josquin des Prez / Jacob Heringman (*1964)
2. Ave Maria … virgo serena

Josquin des Prez / Simon Gintzler (ca. 1500–post 1547)
3. Stabat Mater
-I. Stabat Mater
-II. Ela Mater

Jacob Heringman, lute and vihuela
(CD Inviolata – Josquin Des Prez. Inventa Inv 1004)

Philippe Verdelot (ca. 1480–ca. 1530)
Uit ‘Tutti li madrigali del primo et del secondo libro a quatro voci’ (1540)
4. S’ardor foss’equale
5. Se mai provasti donna
6. Gloriar mi poss’io donne
7. Igno soave
8. Io son tal volta (instrumental)
9. Si lieta e grata morte
10. Deh, perche a grata morte
11. Quando Amor i belli ochhi a terra inchina
12. Non via fidate o simplicetti amanti
13. Con lagrime et sospir

Profeti della Quinta conducted by Elam Rotem
(CD Philippe Verdelot – Madrigals for four voices. Pan Classics PC 10422)


Highlighted on photo: Jacob Heringman


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