Componisten/uitvoerenden: Christopher Simpson | Henry Lawes | Henry Purcell | Jacob van Eyck | James Oswald | John Playford | Thomas Baltzar
Nieuwe cd’s met Oude Muziek. Eén cd dit keer: ‘The Queen’s Delight – English Songs and Country Dances of the 17th and 18th Centuries’ door Les Musiciens de Saint-Julien olv. François Lazarevich.

François Lazarevitch
Henry Purcell (1659-1695)
1. Uit King Arthur, Z.628: “What Power Art Thou”
Tim Mead, countertenor. Les Musiciens de Saint-Julien olv. François Lazarevitch
(cd: Purcell – Songs & Dances, ALPHA 419, 2018)
Uit ‘The English Dancing Master’ (samenstelling John Playford (1623-1686), uitgaven 1651-1728):
2. Song: Drive the Cold Winter Away
3. Song: An Italian Ayre (Fuggi, Fuggi, Fuggi) (naar Henry Lawes)
4. Nobody’s Jig – Black and Grey – Where Will Our Goodman Lie – Maiden Lane
5. Song: The Witty Western Lasse, to the Tune Called The Beggar Boy
6. John Come Kiss Me Now (variaties: Thomas Baltzar, Christopher Simpson, Davis Mell en Solomon Eccles)
7. Song: When Daphne from Fair Phoebus Did Fly
8. Scots Rant – Argiers (variaties naar Jacob van Eyck)
9. Song: Mr Lane’s Maggot
10. The Lord Monk’s March (Henry Purcell) – Hey to the Camp (James Oswald)
11. Song: A Lad of the Town (naar Henry Purcell)
12. Song: Bacchus’s Health, On the Tune Paul’s Steeple (variaties: John Playford en John Walsh)
Les Musiciens de Saint-Julien olv. François Lazarevitch, fluit: Fiona McGown, mezzosopraan. Enea Sorini, bariton, percussie en dulcimer. David Greenberg, viool. Lucile Boulanger, viola da gamba. Éric Belocq, luit en cittern. Marie Bournisien, triple harp. Mmv. Nick Scott, tenor (nr. 12)
(cd The Queen’s Delight, ALPHA 636, 2020)
13. Emperor of the Moon / Ormond House
Les Musiciens de Saint-Julien olv. François Lazarevitch
(cd The Queen’s Delight, ALPHA 636, 2020)