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Nuove Musiche

This hour features a new, special CD with early music. Two new releases by ensembles that are touring the Netherlands this November. ‘Straight from the Heart’ by Ensemble Leones and ‘Laudate’ by Johannette Zomer.

Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741)
1. Laudate pueri in c minor, RV600 for soprano, strings and basso continuo
– Allegro
– Largo
– Allegro
– Andante
– Largo
– Presto
– Allegro
– Largo
– Allegro
– Allegro
Johannette Zomer, soprano. Tulipa Consort
(Channel Classics CCS 38216, 2016)


Tour dates Laudate: 25 to 27 Nov. 2016.


straight-from-the-heart-ensemble-leonesFrom the Chansonnier Cordiforme (Jean de Montchenu, 1475):
2. Anonymous – Ben Io sa Dio se sum vergine e pura
3. Robert Morton (ca 1430-1483) – N’aray je jamais mieulx que j’ay
4. Johannes Tinctoris (ca 1430/35-1511) – De tous biens playne
5. Johannes Ockeghem (ca 1410-1497) – Ma bouche rit et ma pensee pleure
6. Anonymous – La gratia de vos, donsella
7. Anonymous – Perla mya cara, o dolce amore
Ensemble Leones conducted by Marc Lewon: Els Janssens-Vanmunster, Raitis Grigalis and Mathias Spoerry, vocals. Elizabeth Rumsey, viola d’arco. Baptiste Romain, vielle and lira da braccio. Marc Lewon, viola d’arco and plectrum played lute
(Naxos 8.573325, 2016)


Tour dates Ensemble Leones with ‘Het lied van de Nibelungen’: 23 to 27 Nov. 2016.


Antonio Vivaldi
8. From Juditha Triumphans, RV644: Vagaus’s aria “Umbrae carae”
Johannette Zomer, soprano. Tulipa Consort
(Channel Classics CCS 38216, 2016)



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