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Works by Lonque, Peeters, Vivaldi, Berkeley, Britten, Brahms, Finzi, Schubert, Duparc, Gurney, Fauré, Bergamin & Palm.

07:00 1. Georges Lonque (1900-1967). Nine Songs. 2. Flor Peeters (1903-1986). Six songs on poems by Alice Nahon.
Werner van Mechelen, bass baritone.
Peter Vanhove, piano.
[Phaedra 92084]
07:40 Antonio Vivaldi. The Four Seasons.
Nihad Hrustanbegovic, accordion.
[Zefir ZEF 9640]
08:25 Songs by Berkeley, Britten, Brahms, Finzi, Schubert, Duparc, Gurney & Fauré.
Including Gabriel Fauré. Clair de lune & Lennox Berkeley. Eyes look into the well.
Rupert Charlesworth, tenor.
Edwige Herchenroder, piano.
[Zig Zag ZZT 355]
08:50 The CD TangoZZs & More live at the Toonzaal. Includes by Ruud Bergamin. Catore de Septiembre & Tango de la historia.
TangoZZ&More: Ruud Bergamin, saxophone. Wim Warman, piano. Ruzana Tsymbalova, violin. Santiago Cimadevilla, bandoneon.
09:25 The CD Danzas Caribenas with piano works by Jan Gerard Palm, Rudolf Palm, Jacobo Palm and other Caribbean composers.
Marcel Worms, piano.
[Zefir ZEF 9637]

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