Works by Nikolai Galen, Leoninus, Garrett Sholdice, Judith Ring & Martin Jaggi.
07:00 Nikolai Galen. Emanuel Vigeland (improvisaties).
Nikolai Galen, stem. Stemme 8.
[Uitgave: Nikolai Galen]
08:10 The CD ‘All the ends of the earth’ of Ergodos Musicians with works of Sholdice, Schlepper-Connolly and Linda Buckly inspired by the works of Leoninus.
a. Leoninus. Organum of viderunt Omnes next a.o.
Garrett Sholdice. Weihnachtliche Musik.
Ergodos Musicians.
[Ergodos ER 14]
08:50 Judith Ring. What was.
Concorde et al
[Ergodos ER 15]
09:45 Martin Jaggi. Schebka (2001).
Mondriaan Ensemble.
[Own publication: ME 2004-2006]