Morning Edition | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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Morning Edition

Works by Laurent Petitgirard, Ludwig van Beethoven, Franz Danzi, Franz Schubert, Joseph Rheinberger and Alphons Diepenbrock.

 07:01 The little prince, suite for mixed choir, clarinet, harp and percussion

Laurent Petitgirard
Budapest Studio Choir. Honvèd Male Choir. Soloists of the Hungarian Symphony Orchestra Budapest led by Laurent Petitgirard.

 08:00 Overture Leonore III, opus 72A

Ludwig van Beethoven
The Concertgebouw Orkest led by Wilhelm Furtwängler

 08:16 Fantasia Sonata in D. deest 45.

Ludwig van Beethoven
Martin Oei, piano.

 08:41 Quintet in B, opus 56 no. 2.

Franz Danzi
Danzi Quintet: Frans Vester, flute. Han de Vries, oboe. Piet Honingh, clarinet. Adriaan van Woudenberg, horn. Brian Pollard, bassoon.

 08:55 Allegro Moderato & Andante, D968: Allegro moderato.

Franz Schubert
Nicolas Callot, Lucas Blondeel, piano.

 08:59 Sonata opus 105a.

Joseph Rheinberger
Lars Wouters van den Oudenweijer, clarinet. Hans Eijsackers, piano.

 09:21 Choral songs from the play Gysbrecht van Aemstel

Alphons Diepenbrock
Quartet of Soloists, Maja Roodveldt (soprano), Sophie Hoolboom (mezzo-soprano), Frank Hameleers (tenor), Henk van Heijnsbergen (bass), The Netherlands Radio Symphony Orchestra led by Ed Spanjaard

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