Morning Edition | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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Morning Edition

Works by Debicz, Bartok, Field, Glinka, Gutmann, Alkan, Faure, Arensky, Ropartz, Khatsjatoerjan & Chopin. 


07:00 The Cinematic Piano CD, with cinematic piano pieces from and played by Aleksander Debicz, piano [see photo].

07:40 Bela Bartok. 1. Violin concerto no. 2. 2. Concerto for Orchestra.
Tedi Papavrami, violin. Orchestre Philharmonique du Luxembourg conducted by Emmanuel Krivine.

09.00 ‘The Art of the Nocturne’ CD by pianist Frederic Voorn, with works by Field, Glinka, Gutmann, Alkan, Faure, Arensky, Ropartz, Khatsjatoerjan and Chopin. Frederic Voorn, piano.

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