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Missa etcetera

Religious music. In this episode we will two works for Ascencion Day: a cantata by Johann Kuhnau and an oratorio by Georg Friedrich Kauffmann.

Kuhnau is primarily known as the Thomaskantor in Leipzig, a position in which he composed cantatas. However, even before holding that role, he had already written such works. It’s likely that much of his body of work has been lost. Of the cantatas that have survived, it’s often unclear when they were composed. The cantata for Ascension Day that we’re going to hear was likely composed around 1720. Its notable that there’s an oboe part in one of the arias, and in a transcription by Georg Österreich, a Kantor in Wolfenbüttel, this part is marked for oboe d’amore. If this note originated from Kuhnau himself, it would mean he was among the first to write a part for this instrument in history.

The second piece is an oratorio by a relatively unknown composer: Georg Friedrich Kauffmann. Organists are familiar with him, as he left behind a collection of chorale arrangements that are still used by organists today. He was the Chapel master in Merseburg, but it seems he wasn’t very happy there, because when Kuhnau died in 1722 and they were looking for a new Thomaskantor, he applied when it became clear that Telemann wasn’t interested. Kauffmann actually thought that Christoph Graupner would be a better fit for the role than he was. He got the chance to perform a cantata in Leipzig, but the position eventually went to Bach. Given his role in Merseburg, Kauffmann must have composed a large body of work. Unfortunately, only five cantatas and one oratorio have survived. We will listen to that oratorio, composed for Ascension Day, in this episode of Missa Etcetera.

Johann Kuhnau (1660-1722)
1. “Lobet, ihr Himmel, den Herrn”, cantata for Ascencion Day
Opella Musica, camerata lipsiensis conducted by Gregor Meyer
(CD: “Complete Sacred Works VI” – CPO 555 305-2, 2020)

Georg Friedrich Kauffmann (1679-1735)
2. Oratorio “Auf Christi Himmelfahrt: Rüstet euch, ihr Himmelschöre”
Isabel Schicketanz, Elisabeth Mücksch, soprano. Britta Schwarz, alto. Tobias Hunger, Christoph Pfaller, tenor. Tobias Berndt, bass. Collegium Vocale Leipzig, Merseburger Hofmusik conducted by Michael Schönheit
(CD: “Rüstet euch, ihr Himmelschöre – Complete Sacred Works” – CPO 555 365-2, 2023)

Johann Kuhnau
3. Fugua in C
Stefano Molardi, organ
(CD: “Complete Organ Music” – Brilliant Classics 95089, 2015)


Pictured above: Johann Kuhnau, portrait from the Neue Clavier Ubung (colour version: Sotheby’s)

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