Missa Etcetera | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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Missa Etcetera

sun 4 jun 2017 15:00 hour

Western religious music from different centuries. Music from Italian baroque composer Giovanni Battista Bassani.

Giovanni Battista Bassani (ca.1647-1716)
From Salmi concertati, op.21:
1. Deus in adjutorium
2. Sinfonia for 2 violins, cello and b.c., op.5, no.3, “Sonata da chiesa”, Allegro
3. Antifona & Dixit Dominus
Parlement de Musique under the direction of Martin Gester

4. Missa Encarnación
– Kyrie
– Gloria
– Credo
– Sanctus
– Agnus Dei
Arakaendar Bolivia and Florilegium under the direction of Ashley Solomon

5. Missa a la fuga
Ensemble Luis Berger under the direction of. Ricardo Massun

Anonymous (Bolivia, 17th century)
6. Tota salútis
Katia Escalera, soprano. Florilegium under the direction of Ashley Solomon

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