Missa etcetera | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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Missa etcetera

thu 29 oct 2009 22:00 hour

Religious music from the Baroque. Works of Cererols, Byrd and Carissimi.

1. Joan Cererols (1618-1676).
Missa pro defunctis:
– Introïtus.
– Kyrie.
– Graduale.
– Sequentia.
– Offertorium.
– sanctus.
– Hei mihi.
– Agnus Dei.
– Communio.
– Libera me.
La Capella Reial de Catalunya led by Jordi Savall.
2. William Byrd (1539/40-1623).
– Rejoice unto the Lord.
– In Nomine (instrumental).
Gérard Lesne, countertenor. Ensemble Orlando Gibbons.
3. Giacomo Carissimi (1605-1674).
– Motet Desiderata nobis.
Hassler Consort.

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