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fri 17 jul 2015 20:00 hour

Chinese music: classical, traditional and different

Gong Linna
In this Metamorfosen we take a tour along different forms of Chinese music. We will listen to the classically trained singer Gong Linna in Western influenced orchestras, the famous South-African song Shosholaza by Taiwanese Ancient Ballads Troupe, a jazzy performance by Frère Jacques on Chinese instruments and much more. All surrounded by the traditional Chinese folk music of a virtuoso occasion ensemble in Santa Barbara, California.  
Wu man.jpg
Wu man

  1. Three & Six (trad.)
  2. Shosholaza (trad.)
  3. Frère Jacques (trad.)
    CD. Wu Man, Luis Conte & Daniel Ho, Our World in Songs
  4. 嘎達梅林 A Revolutionary Hero – Ga Da (trad.)
    CD. Chinese Instrumental Ensemble, Masterpieces of Chinese Folksong
  5. 孔雀飞来 No yong biu mar pin mar (trad.(?))
  6. 文殊菩萨 Wen Shu Bodhisattva (trad.(?))
  7. 采花 Picking Flowers (trad.(?))
    CD. Gong Linna, Gong Linna,
  8. 迎春花Spring-Greeting Flowers (trad.)
  9. 小桃紅The Little Peach (trad.)
    CD. Chinese Instrumental Ensemble, Masterpieces of Chinese Folksong
  10. Sakura, Sakura (trad.)
  11. The Ash Grove (trad.)
  12. Arirang. (trad.)
    CD.,  Wu Man, Luis Conte & Daniel Ho, Our World in Songs

Thanks to the Centrale Discotheek Rotterdam,

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