L’Esprit Baroque | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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L’Esprit Baroque

thu 11 apr 2024 20:00 hour

The baroque spirit in all his musical shapes. An ode to the recorder, by the Flanders Recorder Quartet.

The recorder has been a misunderstood instrument for centuries. Particularly during the Baroque period, the recorder in its various forms was very popular.

The Flanders Recorder Quartet with Bart Spanhove, Paul Van Loey, Tom Beets and Joris Van Goethem was an ensemble that, from 1987 until 2018, dedicated itself to the revival of recorder music. This Flamish recorder quartet stands for thirty years of innovation, originality, creativity, wonder and musician’s joy. The quartet was an integral part of the early music and chamber music scene throughout its entire existence,a nd performed at prestigious festivals in Tokyo, New York, Salzburg, Helsinki, Paris, Geneva, Boston, Vancouver, Singapore, Taipei, and Mexico City. The Flanders Recorder Quartet recorded for labels such as Archiv/Deutsche Grammophon, Harmonia Mundi, Ricercar, Opus 111 and Aeolus.

This episode of L’Esprit Baroque will pay homage to the versatile charm of the recorder with baroque music by Heinrich Ignaz Franz Biber, Johann Heinrich Schmelzer, Johann David Heinichen, and Carel Hacquart.

Heinrich Ignaz Franz Biber (1645-1704)
1. Sonata ’pro tabula’ in G major
2. Sonatella in G major
3. Sonata ‘a doi Chori’ in G major
Flanders Recorder Quartet & Musica Antiqua Köln led by Reinhard Goebel

Heinrich Ignaz Franz Biber
4. Sonata ‘per chiesa e per camera’ in G major

Johann Heinrich Schmelzer (1620-1680)
5. Sonata in G major
6. Sonata ‘ad tabulam’ in G major
Flanders Recorder Quartet & Musica Antiqua Köln led by Reinhard Goebel

Johann David Heinichen (1683-1729)
7. Concerto Grosso for Orchestra, S.211 in C major
Flanders Recorder Quartet, recorder. Bart Jacobs, harpsichord. Dirk Vandaele and Marianne Herssens, violin. Jan Bontinck, cello. Benoit Vanden Bemden, double bass

Carel Hacquart (1640-1701)
8. From Sonatas for violins, viola da gamba and basso continuo, op 2, no. 1-10, ‘Harmonia Parnassia’: Sonata a 4 in e
Flanders Recorder Quartet, recorder


Compiled by: Leo De Bock

Pictured above: Flanders Recorder Quartet (picture: Koen Beets)

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