L’Esprit Baroque | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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L’Esprit Baroque

The baroque spirit in all his musical shapes.
Music from the New World.

The music that arose in Latin America in the 17th century was a cross-over of music from music from the ancient world and music of the indigenous people.

Gaspar Fernàndes (around 1570–1629)
1. Tieycantimo choquilliya
2. Si nos emprestara oy Dios
3. Xicocchi xicchochi conetzintle
4. Pois con tanta graça

Juan de Araujo (1646-1712)
5. Si el amor se quedare dormido
6. Dime amor que prodigo es aqueste
7. Los coflades de la estleya

Ensemble Elyma led by Gabriel Garrido
(CD Hanacpachap. Elyma led by Gabriel Garrido. Pan Classics PC 10230, 2011)

Juan Gutiérrez de Padilla (1590-1664)
8. Missa Ego flos campi
– Kyrie
– Gloria
– Credo
– Sanctus en Benedictus
– Agnus Dei

Domenico Zipoli (1668-1726)
9. From: Missa San Ignacio:
– Kyrie
– Gloria

Ex Cathedra led by Jeffrey Skidmore
(CD New World Symphonies. Hyperion CDA 67380, 2003)

Diego José de Salazar (around 1660-1709)
10. Salga el torillo
Anonymous (Peru, around 1611)
11. Hanacpachap

Ensemble Elyma led by Gabriel Garrido

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