l’Esprit Baroque | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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l’Esprit Baroque

The baroque spirit in all his musical shapes. Music from England, Italy and Germany from the 17th and 18th country, so a round of European baroque music.

Robert de Visée (ca. 1650/65 – after 1732)
1. Tombeau de Mr Francisque
2. Allemande grave (La Plainte)
3. Allemande grave
Bertrand Cazé, guitar. Julie Eschard, oboe. Isabelle Chomet, guitar and basso continuo
(CD A la Cour de Versailles. Les tendres plaintes, Continuo Classics CC 777.717, 2014)

John Dowland (ca. 1563-1626)
From The Second Booke of Songs or Ayres (1600)
4. I saw my lady weepe
5. O sweet woods, the delight of solitarienesse
The Schoole of Night: Maria Skiba, soprano. Frank Pschichholz, lute
(CD The Second Booke of Songs or Ayres, Dux 1192, 2013)

Johann Rosenmüller (ca. 1619-1684)
6. Sonata Seconda a due
Ensemble Méridien mmv. Juan de la Rubia, orgel
(CD A German Soul: Devotional Music from 17th-century Hamburg, Brilliant Classics 94717, 2014)

Agostino Steffani (1654-1728)
7. E cosi mi compatite
8. Lontananza crudel, tu mi tormenti
Elena Bertuzzi, soprano. Alessio Tosi, tenor. Francesco Baroni, harpsichord. Rebecca Ferri, cello. Michele Pasotti, theorbo
(CD Agostino Steffani – Vocal Chamber Duets, Brilliant Classics 94969, 2015)

William Babell (1698-1723)
9. Concerto opus 3 in E minor (for sixth flute, strings in C):
– Adagio
– Allegro
– Adagio
– Allegro
Capella Academia Frankfurt under the direction of Michael Schneider, recorder
(CD The Virtuoso Recorder III, CPO 777 885-2, 2015)

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