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sat 2 feb 2008 11:02 hour

Los Tucu Tucu (Argentina), a “Hommage”.

They are, beside famous folk ensembles like Los Fronterizos and Los Chalchaleros, one of the best known and most popular conjuntos of Argentina. They were well on their way to their 50-year anniversary, but it wasn’ meant to be. On Sunday 9 September, on their way back from a show, they were hit by a train. Two of them were killed and the other two got heavily injured. This is how Los Tucu Tucu from the province of Tucumán cruelly ended after 48 years. Cynically enough, their recent released DVD had as subtitle ‘Eternamente’ (for eternally). They stood out in the land of the zambascuecas and chacareras because of their beautiful part-song, especially in the so-called ‘canciones’. In this programme we will bring a hommage to this group with a selection from their repertoire, that was recorded on more than 40 LPs or CDs, starting with their first record from 1960.

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