Hummel revisited | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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Hummel revisited

tue 3 oct 2017 19:00 hour

Part XXXIV. We are still in London during Hummel’s second concert tour of 1832. The lack of interest for his concerts is not only due to the political situation, but also to the simultaneous presence of a great rival who draws full houses and a gigantic salary. The sorcerer Paganini plays things on the violin that aren’t thought possible, until now. A phenomenon you just have to see for yourself! Hummel obviously plays ‘second piano’ and returns to Weimar with his tail between his legs. His cultivated piano playing is regarded old-fashioned. Liszt and other wild piano giants take over.

  1. Johann Nepomuk Hummel: Variation on ‘Rule Britannia’, Mikio Tao, sequencer


  1. Johann Nepomuk Hummel: 3 parts from the Fantasy ‘Souvenirs de Paganini’, Madoka Inui, piano


  1. Nicolo Paganini: Introduction and variations on  ‘Dal tuo stellato soglio’ from ‘Moses in Egypt’ by Rossini. Vadim Repin, violin; Alexander Markovich, piano


  1. Johann Nepomuk Hummel: from Sonata for fourhanded piano, op. 92 finale, Tal & Groethuysen, piano


  1. Franz Liszt: from 12 Etudes op. 6 no 8, Leslie Howard, piano


  1. Hummel: 6 Arrangements of Scottish Folk songs, Pamela Dellal, mezzo, The Musicians of The Old Post Road


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