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sun 21 aug 2022 16:00 hour

Inspired by folk songs from Auvergne and Pays de Beaune.

Joseph Canteloube (1879-1957) took folk songs from Auvergne as a starting point for his own popular compositions known under the collective name “Chants d’Auvergne”.

Maurice Emmanuel (1862-1938) was also inspired by folk songs. He wrote the “Chansons bourguignonnes de Pays de Beaune”, based on Burgundian folk songs.


  • Joseph Canteloube. Chants d’Auvergne no.1-27. Dawn Upshaw (soprano) and the Orchestre de l’Opéra National de Lyon conducted by Kent Nagano.
  • Maurice Emmanuel. Chansons bourguignonnes du pays de Beaune, op.15. idem.
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