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sun 13 jan 2019 18:00 hour
Composers: John Cage | Olli Mustonen

Compiled by our Modern Music-desk.
Works by the Slovak composer Peter Machajdik (born in 1961) [see photo] and some of his contemporaries.


1. a. Peter Machajdik. Flower full of Gardens (2010).
b. Olli Mustonen. Sielulintu (2009).
c. Peter Machajdik. Empty Cage (2010).
Elina Mustonen, harpsichord.

2. Peter Machajdik. Senahh, for flute and piano (2015).
Rebecca Jeffreys, flute. Alexander Timofeev, piano.

3. Adrienne Albert. Fantasia for flute and piano (1941).
Rebecca Jeffreys, flute. Alexander Timofeev, piano.

4. Alexander Timofeev. Reminiscenza (2017).
Rebecca Jeffreys, flute. Alexander Timofeev, piano.

5. Kevin W. Walker. Winter in the Woods (2018).
Rebecca Jeffreys, flute. Alexander Timofeev, piano.

6. Peter Kütt. Sonatina for flute and piano (2000).
Rebecca Jeffreys, flute. Alexander Timofeev, piano.

7. Peter Machajdik. Fifty Seconds for Daniel (2014).
Ivan Siller, piano.

8. Tor Brevik. Pastorale (2002).
Rebecca Jeffreys, flute. Alexander Timofeev, piano.

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