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sun 5 mar 2017 18:00 hour
Composer: Robert Bukowski

Storm music!

1. Robert Cuckson. Der gayst funem shturem (The spirit of the storm).
Jenifer Johnson, mezzo-soprano. Sarah Beaty, clarinet.
Angela Cordell Bilger, horn. Ida Levin, violin. Beth Guterman, viola.

2. Robert Bukowski. De Storm.
Electronic compositon.

3. Hayley Savage. Storm in a teacup.
Guitaar trio ‘Appassionata’.

4. Kuno Kjaerbye. Een stormachtige dag met vaarzen in schor. (a blustery day with heifers in a salt march)
Berit Meland, soprano. Kuno Kjaerbye, piano.

5. Miklos Sugar. Na de storm. (After the storm)
Agnes Szákaly, cymbal and electronics

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