Grand Café Europe | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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Grand Café Europe

European music from inbetween the two world wars: the year 1924.

1. Richard Strauss. Fanfare zur Eröffnung der Musikwoche der Stadt Wien im September 1924 AV.110. Wind players of the Symphonieorchester des Bayerischen Rundfunks and the Münchner Philharmoniker conducted by Dankwart Schmidt.
2. Walther Geiser. Trio for violion, viola and cello opus 8. Irène Nussbaumer, violin. Caio Carneiro, viola. Daniel Suter, cello.
3. Manuel Rosenthal. 8 bagatelles for piano: no. 1-4. Daniel Blumenthal, piano.
4. Constant Lambert. Piano concerto. Jonathan Plowright, piano. English Northern Philharmonia conducted by David Lloyd-Jones.
5. Paul Hindemith. Die Serenaden opus 35. Ruth Ziesak, soprano. Lajos Lencsés, oboe. Gunter Teuffel, viola. Ansgar Schneider, cello.
6. Georges Migot. Quartet for flute, violin, clarinet and harp. Ensemble Pyramide.
7. Hilding Rosenberg. Violin concerto no. 1 opus 22. Charles Barkel, violin. Radiotjänst Symfonieorkest conducted by Hilding Rosenberg.

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