Exploring the borders between genres.
1. Niobe. Jaguaruna. (Yvonne Cornelius). 2:19. Cd: Voodooluba, soins SONIG 40CD.
2. Kroke. Desert. (Bawol, Kukurba, Lato). 5:34. Cd: Ten Pieces To Save The World, Oriente Musik RIEN CD 45.
3. The Land Of Nod. Quadrant Zero (Out-Take). (The Land Of Nod). 4:28. Cd: Reality Channel, Elephant Stone Records OS2209.
4. Slang. What A Day May Bring. (Laying Martine III, Siskind). 9:49. Cd: The Bellwether Project, Terminus Records 0102-2.
5. Phonophani. Fertilizer. (Phonophani). 6:28. Cd: Runeology, Wire magazine RCDW1.
6. The Land Of Nod. Parabolic Velocity. (The Land Of Nod). 7:51. Cd: Reality Channel, Elephant Stone Records OS2209.
7. Svalastog. Feil Remix. (Svalastog). 5:40. Cd: Runeology, Wire magazine RCDW1.
8. Max Mohr. Mellowmoon 2. (Max Mohr). 7:50. Cd: Trickmixer’s Revenge, Playhouse playcd020.
9. Monsieur Blumenberg. Synphonie Casuel. (Federico Montefiori). 4:31. Cd: Musique Et Couleurs, Irma Records IRMA 502438-2.
10. Anubian Lights. Fur Immer Und Ewig. (Anubian Lights). 6:19. Cd: Cook Book CD – Libro De Cucina Y Musica, Eenie Meenie Records EM 004.