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sat 31 jan 2009 13:00 hour
Composer: Igor Stravinsky

Russia. Igor Stravinsky #3.
A series with Russian music from the 20th century.
Today, the third part with music by Igor Stravinsky. You will hear the recordings of the concertos that Mr. Stravinsky conducted at his return in 1962. As an encore, a recent recording of the Mass from 1948 by the RIAS Kammerchor and the musikFabrik conducted by Danielle Reuss.

Stravinsky in Moskou, 1962.
Igor Stravinsky.
1. Petroeshka, ballet suite scene 1,2 and 4 (1947).
Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Igor Stravinsky.
2. Orpheus, ballet in 3 scenes (1948).
3. Ode (1943).
USSR Symphony Orchestra conducted by Igor Stravinsky.
4. Fireworkes, fantasia for orchestra (1908).
Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Igor Stravinsky.
5. Ey ukhnyem (Song of the Volga Boatmen) (1917).
USSR Symphony Orchestra conducted by Igor Stravinsky.
6. Words of thanks from Igor Stravinsky.
Melodiya, BMG Classics 74321 33220
Igor Stravinsky.
7. Mass, for choir and wind ensemble (1944-1948).
RIAS Kammerchor and musikFabrik conducted by Daniel Reuss.
Harmonia Mundi HMC 8011913

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