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Early Music News

fri 23 jan 2009 11:00 hour

Today we pay attention to two new and remarkable CDs by Dutch ensembles. The CD ‘Adieu vous di, Ars Nova of the low countries’ by the Dutch ensemble for medieval music Fortuna, and the double CD ‘Daar wordt aan de deur geklopt’ by the Hemony ensemble from Amersfoort, the Netherlands.

1) cd ‘Adieu vous di’ van Fortuna.
1. Baude Cordier (?-1397/8).
– rondeau Belle bonne sage.
2. anon. ms. Leiden 2720.
Adieu vous di tresdoulche flour.
3. anon. ms. Leiden 2720.
Pour vous servir.
4. anon. ms. Utrecht 6e 37 II.
– ballade L’Ardent desier.
5. anon. ms. Utrecht 6e 37 II.
– ballade S’Espoir n’estoit.
6. anon. ms. Utrecht 6e 37 II.
– ballade En un gardin.
7. anon. codex Faenza.
J’aime la biaute.
8. anon. ms. Utrecht 6e 37 II.
– ballade En discort sunt.
9. anon. ms. Groningen (diminutions J. Dubach).
Esperanche ky en mon cuer.
Fortuna conducted by Jacqueline Dubach, recorder.
label: Aliud ACD HD 026-2, 2008
Click on  this link for Fortuna’s website.
2) CD ‘Daar wordt aan de deur geklopt’ by Hemony ensemble.
10. anon. Camphuysen ms.
De Engelsche Fortuijn.
11. anonymous.
Nicolai solennia.
12. Hubert Waelrant (c.1517-1595).
Sinte Nicolaes, bisschop, strophe 1-3.
13. Jakub Polak (c.1545-c.1605).
Branle de S. Nicolas.
14. a. anon. Kinder-Liedt van S. Nicolas, strophe 9-11.
b. R[ichard] S[umarte]. Fortune.
c. anoniem. Kinder-Liedt van S. Nicolas, strophe 12-13.
15. anonymous.
Vryster-bee aan Sint Niklaas.
16. Johannes Ciconia (c.1370-1412).
O virum/ O lux/ O beate Nicholae.
17. anonymous, Glogauer Liederbuch.
Nicolai solemnia.
18. Hubert Waelrant.
Sinte Nicolaes, bisschop, strophe 7.
Hemony ensemble conducted by Simon Groot.
label: Stichting Hemony ensemble, Amersfoort, Nov. 2008
You can order this CD here

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