Early Delights | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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Early Delights

New programme! Your Sunday repose with pleasant early music; special ‘delights’ from 5 centuries of music history.

1. Dieterich Buxtehude (1637-1707).
Wie wird erneuet, wie wird erfreuet, BuxWV 110.
La Capella Ducale. Musica Fiata led by Roland Wilson.
(CPO 777 318-2)
2. Anonymous (Italiy, 14th century).
Che Ti Zova Nasconder.
– Quando I Oselli Canta.
Ensemble Syntagma led by Alexandre Danilevski.
3. Matthew Locke (1621/22-1677).
Suite in C major: Fantazie, Courante, Ayre (Almand), Saraband.
Lautten Compagney.
(MA 95 06 810)
4. Claudio Monteverdi (1567-1643).
From Scherzi Musicali:
Fugge ‘l verno de’ dolori.
– Si dolce e ‘l tormento (from ‘Quarto Scherzo delle ariose vaghezze’).
Damigella tutta bella.
Maria Cristina Kiehr, soprano. Stephan MacLeod, baritone bass. Concerto Soave led by Jean-Marc Aymes.
(HMC 901855)
5. traditional (after Valente).
Gaillarda napolitana.
Freddy Eichelberger, clavecyterium.
Bartolomeo Barbarino (1615).
Exaudi me Domine.
Le Concert Brisé led by William Dongois, cornetto.
(Chordis&Organo 2006-04)
6. Anonymous (text: G. Cantelmo).
Cor mio volonturioso.
Salomone Rossi (text: G. B. Marino).
Queste lagrime amare.
Mauritio Cazzati.
Ballo delle Ombre.
Ensemble Daedalus.
(ACC 98130 D)

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