Early Delights | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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Early Delights

Your Sunday repose with special early music delights.
Music by Ashewell, Calvi, Galilei, Carbonchi and Bach.

1. Thomas Ashewell (ca.1478-after 1513).
Missa ‘Ave Maria’.
– Gloria.
– Credo.
– Sanctus.
– Agnus Dei.
Huelgas Ensemble led by Paul van Nevel.
(HMC 901922, 2007)
2. Carlo Calvi (1st half 17th century).
– Ballo dell’ Granduca.
Michelangelo Galilei (1575-?).
– Toccata – Volta.
Antonio Carbonchi (1st half 17th century).
– Ciaccona.
Private Musicke led by Pierre Pitzl.
(ORF CD 296, 2002)
3. Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750).
Concerto BWV 1058 in g moll.
– Allegro.
– Andante.
– Allegro assai.
Lars Ulrik Mortensen, harpsichord. Concerto Copenhagen.
(CPO 777 248-2, 2006)

Huelgas Ensemble

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