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Early Delights

Your Sunday repose with pleasant early music; special delights from 5 centuries of music history.

1. Emilio de’Cavalieri (ca.1550-1602).
Prime die Lectio secunda:
– VAU.
– Et egressus est.
– Recordata est Hierusalem.
– Peccatum peccavit Hierusalem.
– Hierusalem convertere ad dominum tuum.
– Repons: Una hora.
Paolo Quagliati (ca.1555-1628).
Ricercar XIX.
Le Poème Harmonique.
(ALPHA 011)
2. Cesare Negri (ca.1536-1604).
Brando per Quattro Pastore e Quattro Ninfe.
Anonymous (early 17th century).
Gagliarda Prima.
Andrew Lawrence-King, arpa doppia.
(Helios CDH55162)
3. Matteo da Perugia (ca.1370-1416).
Rondeau: Pour Dieu vous pri.
– Rondeau: Trover ne puis.
Jill Feldman, soprano. Pascal Bertin, countertenor. Gianluca Ferrarini, tenor. Mala Punica led by Pedro Memelsdorff.
(Erato 8573-82163-2)
4. Anonymous (16th century).
I love unloved.
The Royal Wind Music led by Paul Leenhouts.
John Coprario (c.1570-1626).
Fortune and Glory.
Christopher Field, countertenor. Israel Golani, lute. The Royal Wind Music led by Paul Leenhouts.
John Danyel (1564-c.1626).
Time, cruel time.
Paul Leenhouts, recorder. Israel Golani, lute.
John Bull (c.1562-1628).
English Toy.
Johan Hofman, virginal.
(Lindoro MPC 0118)
5. Joseph Bodin de Boismortier (1689-1755).
Troisième ballet, Op. 52.
Le Concert Spirituel led by Hervé Niquet.
(Naxos 8.554295)

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