#470. From ze Wormvaults, we’ re talking 2008;
BLOOD ELECTRIC by Henk Bakker & Kenji Siratori.
Produced, composed, edited (and a lot of @cteteras on the side…)
By: Henk Bakker, (aka The melkertman)
Voice: Stephie Buttrich. (model 1.9.2)
Text: Kenji Siratori. (atmyspace.com)
Language; English.
A Radio horspil with cyberpunktext, manipulated voice and digital software.
Imagine from the scene, where the android at the end of “the possibility of an island” (Houellebeque) sat down on the beach and stared into oblivion with several decades to spare in solitude and calm bliss…. somehow evolution went on from there and small loosely scattered mobs of humanoid androids, cyborgs and advanced machines primarily engaged in “sexual social activities” as in the early good old biblical days, inhabit the world…. and another 300 years later a data storage bank that contains decaying data wich can be remotely accessed, somewhat like the wikipedia now- or as in a remote and since long abandonded callcentre in what used to be Bangladesh- but only as text to speech since all things are blind by then…well something like that sums up my “feel” inside the text bij Kenji Siratori…
Furthermore, it’s a display of the impotency of words in a “foreign” language no longer in use or mastered at a sufficient level as to paint visions with, together with its references, uttered by a voice with no emotional attachment to either…. glimpses of a defunked version of blade runner….