An educational programme featuring early music. We will conclude our preparations for the Utrecht Early Music Festival, which will take place from 23 August till 1 September 2019. This year’s theme is Napels.
In a series of four programmes, we will take a look at Napel’s musical history from the Middle Ages to the 18th century.
Today: the fourth and final part: the 17th and 18th century.
Andrea Falconieri (1585/6–1656)

Facade of Napels Cathedral
1 Dolci sospiri – passacalle
2 La suave melodia y su corrente
3 Bella fanciulla dal’viso rosato
Jan van Elsacker, tenor. United Continuo Ensemble
(CD: Dolci sospiri. Raumklang RK 3103, 2014)
Gregorio Strozzi (1615–ca. 1687)
From: Capricci da sonare cembali et organi, opus 4, 1687
4 Corrente prima
5 Corrente seconda
6 Corrente terza
7 Corrente quarta
8 Corrente quinta
9 Corrente sesta
Elena Sartori, harpsichord
(CD: Capricci da sonar op. IV. Tactus TC 614401, 2011)
Francesco Provenzale (1624–1704)
10 Care selve, amati orrori
Hannah Morrison, soprano. Echo du Danube conducted by Christian Zincke
(CD: Amati orrori. CPO 777 834-2, 2015)
Nicola Fago (1677–1745)
11 Stabat Mater
– Stabat Mater dolorosa
– Pro peccatis suae gentis
– Virgo virginum praeclara
– Quando corpus morietur
Valentina Varriale, soprano. Filippo Meneccia, countertenor. Rosario Totaro, tenor. Giuseppe Naviglio, bass. I Turchini conducted by Antonio Florio
(CD: Il Tesoro di San Gennaro. Glossa GCD 922605, 2013)
In addition:
Gregorio Strozzi
12 from: Capricci da sonare cembali et organi, opus 4 (1687): Mascara sonata e ballata
Echo du Danube conducted by Christian Zincke
(CD: Amati orrori. CPO 777 834-2, 2015)