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An educational programme featuring early music. This hour features music of Susanne van Soldt from 1599

Anonymous, 16th century
1 Preludium (John Bull)
2 Susanna Vung Jour (Roland de Lassus)
3 Pavane Dan Vers
4 Almande Brun Smeedelyn
5 Pavane prymera
Guy Penson, virginal
(CD: The Susanna van Soldt Virginal book. Ricercar RIC 264, 2008)

6 Almande de symmerman
7 Allemande Loreyne
Les Witches
(CD: Manuscrit Susanne van Soldt, 1599. Alpha ALPHA 526, 2008)

8 Pavane Bassano
9 Galliarde Bassani
Guy Penson, virginal

Emanuel Adriaenssen (ca 1554 – 1604)
10 Allemande Nonette
La Caccia led by Patrick Denecker
(cd: I Fiamminghi (II): Salve Antverpia. Ricercar 206902 MU / 750, 1999)

William Byrd (ca 1540 – 1623)
11 The Queen’s Alman
Pieter-Jan Belder, organ
(CD: The Fitzwilliam Virginal Book, vol. 2. Brilliant 94362, 2012)

Anonymous/ Biagio Marini (1594 – 1663)
12 Aria della Monica / Sonata sopra la Monica
La Monica
(CD: The Amorous Lyre. La Monica 666449554421, 2007)

Anonymous (16the century)
13 Almande de la Nonette
14 Ontfarm V over mij, pss 51 en 69
15 Des Boosdoenders Wille, pss 36 en 68
16 Wt de Diepte O Heere, ps 130
17 Ghij Herder Israels, ps 80
18 Als een Hert ghejacht, ps 42
Guy Penson, virginal

Filippo Azzaiolo (fl.1557-1569)
19 Chi passa per sta strada
Marco Beasley, tenor. Accordone led by Guido Morini
(CD: Frottole. Cypres CYP1643, 2007)
20 Galliarde quy passe
Guy Penson, virginal

Alonzo de Alba (fl. 1500)
21 La Tricotea
(CD: The book of madrigals. Raumklang RK AP 10106, 2007)
22 Almande trycottee
Guy Penson, virginal

Anonymous (16the century)
23 Tobias tot sterven gheneghen
Camerata Trajectina
(CD: Genade ende vrede: Mennonite music from the 16th and 17th century. Globe GLO 6038, 1996)
24 Tobyas om sterven gheneghen
Guy Penson, virginal

Anonymous (16th century)
25 Brabanschen Ronden Dans ofte Brand
Les Witches

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