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An educational programme featuring early music. Today the fifth part of an eight-part series on music from the Reformation and Counter-Reformation. This part deals with music from the Catholic Counter-Reformation.

Jacobus de Kerle (1531/1532 – 1591)
1  Primum responsorium:
–  Corpus, Suspiciant Domine
–  Versus I, Illustra faciem tuam
–  Versus II, Da illis non quaerere
–  Versus III, Aufer ab eis
–  Gloria Patri – Kyrie
Vox Hesperia en Ensemble strumentale dell’accademia di musica antica under the direction of Romano Vettori
(CD: Il suono del Concilio, vol 2. Bongiovanni GB5571, 2015)

Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina (1525/1526 – 1594)
2  Osculetur me
3  Trahe me post te
4  Nigra sum
The Sixteen olv Harry Christophers
(CD: Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina: volume 2. Coro COR16105, 2012)

Vincenzo Ruffo (ca 1508 – 1587)
5  Missa quarti toni:
–  Kyrie
–  Gloria
–  Sanctus
–  Agnus Dei
Le Poème Harmonique under the direction of Vincent Dumestre
(CD: Nova metamorfosi. Alpha 039, 2003)

Tomás Luis de Victoria (ca 1548 – 1611)
6  Ascendens Christus
7  Dum complerentur dies pentecostes
8  O  regem coeli
Ensemble Plus Ultra under the direction of Michael Noone
(10cdbox: Tomás Luis de Victoria: Sacred Works. Universal Music B.V. 00028947797470, Archiv 477 9747, 2011)

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