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mon 2 mar 2015 19:00 hour

An educational programme featuring early music. Early polyphony: a short series on the development of the early polyphony, part 1.

In part 1 music of the Ars Antiqua in Paris by Leoninus & Perotinus, pilgrims songs and Guillaume de Machaut.
Leoninus (approx. 1150- approx. 1201) / Perotinus (born approx. 1200)
1. Viderunt Omnes
Ensemble Gilles Binchois led by Dominique Vellard
(Harmonic Records, H/CD9349)
Perotinus (born approx. 1200)
2. Graduale: Viderunt omnes
Deller Consort and Collegium Aureum led by Alfred Deller
(DHM 05472 77416-2)
Anonymus (early 13th Century)
3. Novus annus dies Magnus
4. Ad superni regis decus
5. Res est admirabilis
Discantus led by Brigitte Lesne
(Opus 111OPS 30-102)
Guillaume de Machaut (approx. 1300-1377)
6. Messe de Nostre Dame:
Kyrie, Gloria, Credo, Sanctus, Agnus Dei, Ite Missa est
Deller Consort and Collegium Aureum led by Alfred Deller
(DHM 05472 77416-2)

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