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fri 14 dec 2018 20:00 hour

Interesting albums from the folk and roots music history, by Marius Roeting.
Tonight, the Paul Rans Ensemble.

Some find it the best time of the year: winter with its dark and long days. For others  certainty is given that the light will return. Literally after the solstice, but for Christians also figuratively. In December we celebrate Christmas and it’s no fabrication that the return of the sun and the feast of Christmas are connected to each other. It is a historical fact. This relation is still sometimes recognizable, be it concealed in old Christmas and solstice songs. In 1989 the then BRT released a project CD with the Paul Rans Ensemble.  Four chastened musicians who play on Middle Age and Renaissance instruments and who sing were looking for 20 Christmas and solstice songs in ancient writings in monasteries, museums and in old songbooks like De Cousemaker and Bols. They recorded these songs, quite true to how it must have sound like in the past, on the CD Mit desen nyewen jare. Remarkable to this CD is the entwining of liturgical (inspired) and profane works, the interplay between classic and traditional. The wealth to historical material was interpreted in this way for the first time. It is a historcial and musical well-considered dissenting opinion for the mostly silly and feeble performances when it comes to Christmas and New Year’s songs.



Paul Rans Ensemble – Mit desen nyewen jare, Christmas songs from the low countries –  BRT CD 898522
1. Wat zang, wat klang 3.38
2. Wel lieve herderkens 3.11
3. Noyt sulcken liefde 3.41
4. Nato nobis Salvatore 3.59
5. Ons is gheboren een uutvercoren 1.15
6. Sijt willekome 3.37
7. Ons is een kyndekyn gheboren 4.07
8. Puer nobis nascitur 3.40
9. Het jaer wert nuw, de tijdt is oudt 4.24
10. Herders Hij is gheboren 2.53
11. O kerstnacht schooner dan de dagen 4.32
12. Mit desen nyewen lare 3.18
13. Kinder swijcht 2.09
14. Conditor alme siderum-Ihesus is een kynderkyn cleyn 3.54
15. Een serafinsche tonghe 3.32
16. O herders laet u bocxkens en schaepen 4.12
Tracks 1-8, 10, 12,13, 15: anonymous
Track 9: C.A. Bredero, Ps 68
Track 11: Joost van den Vondel, unknown
Track 14: Gregorian, G. Dufay
Track 16: text anonymous, M. Preatorius
Arrangements: Piet Stryckers (1,2,3,4, 10, 11, 12)
Phillippe Malfeyt (5, 7, 8, 13, 14, 15)


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