Contemporary Music Night #15 – Slowscan #6.
De vijftiende twee-wekelijkse Hedendaagse Muziek Nacht op de Concertzender met vannacht de zesde aflevering van een serie van acht nachten die geheel gewijd zijn aan het Nederlandse Slowscan label dat sinds 1983 bijzondere geluidskunst documenten uitgeeft op cassettes en vinyl.
Slowscan Volume 23. Richard Maxfield #1B.
1. Richard Maxfield. Fermentation (1960) for tape. 9:00
Richard Maxfield: elektronica.
2. Richard Maxfield. Richard Maxfield Interview by Glen Glasow (1960) #4. 3:36
Richard Maxfield, Glen Glasow: voice.
3. Richard Maxfield. Cough Music (1959) for tape. 6:00
Richard Maxfield: elektronica.
4. Richard Maxfield. Perspectives II for La Monte Young, violin, unspecified string and tape (1961). 9:27
La Monte Young: viool, elektronica.
5. Richard Maxfield. Piano Sonata no. 2 (1948/49) dedicated to Roger Sessions. 10:14
Marie L. St. Gaudens: piano.
6. Richard Maxfield. Structures for 10 wind instruments (1951). 5:25
Chamuleau Wind Ensemble of London.
7. Richard Maxfield. For Sonny Wilson (1966) for tape. 2:33
Richard Maxfield: elektronica.
2LP: Slowscan 23 (200 copies) (2014).
Slowscan Volume 24. Claus Böhmler.
1. Claus Böhmler. KlangundKrach (1996). 32:12
Claus Böhmler: elektronica
recorded in Hamburg 1996.
LP: Slowscan 24 (270 copies) (2014)
Slowscan Volume 25. Liam O’Gallagher.
Liam O’Gallagher. People’s Opera Aka Aerosol/or The Computer That Couldn’t Hear: An Inter-Media Opera (1970)
1. Part 1. 12:44
2. Part 2. 15:04
3. Part 3. 14:59
4. Part 4. 14:16
Billy Kettleman, Philip Geitzen, Robert Rheem, Steven Solberg: Conductor FM. Jeff Beach, Steve Bennett, Tom MacDonald: solos.
2LP: Slowscan 25 (350 copies) (2014)
Slowscan Volume 26. John Perrault.
1. John Perreault. Recorded Message (1969) (excerpt). 10:09
2. John Perreault. Traffic (1969) (excerpt). 9:30
John Perrault: tape.
extracted from two lengthier excerpts on tape for the Words radio program No. 10, dated 03/11/1969.
LP: Slowscan 26 (300 copies) (2014)
Exhibition Of One Minute Soundworks From The Museum Of Conceptual Art, San Francisco.
1. Tom Marioni. Introduction. 2:35
2. Tom Marioni: Untitled (1971). 1:07
3. Warner Jepson. Untitled (1971). 1:12
4. Anthony Gnazzo. Untitled (1971). 1:02
5. Paul Marioni. Untitled (1971). 0:56
6. Jim Melchet. Untitled (1971). 0:56
7. Allan Fish. Untitled (1971). 1:06
8. Joel Glassman. Untitled (1971). 1:12
9. Patrick Gleeson. Untitled (1971). 0:59
10. Paul Kos. Untitled (1971). 1:00
11. William T. Wiley. Untitled (1971). 0:47
12. Howard Fried. Untitled (1971). 1:46
13. Peter Strindberg. Untitled (1971). 1:07
14. Peter veris. Untitled (1971). 1:04
15. Terry Fox. Untitled (1971). 0:42
16. John Woodall. Untitled (1971). 0:42
17. Charles Amirkhanian. Untitled (1971). 1:04
18. Mike & Allison Cohn. Untitled (1971). 1:07
19. Jerry Bowen. Untitled (1971). 1:06
20. Wally Hedrick. Untitled (1971). 1:06
21. Bill Mott Smith. Untitled (1971). 0:59
22. Stephen Laub. Untitled (1971). 1:04
23. Carol Law. Untitled (1971). 1:05
24. Mel Henderson. Untitled (1971). 1:03
25. Robert Ashley. Untitled (1971). 1:02
26. Charles Shere. Untitled (1971). 1:09
27. Richard Friedman. Untitled (1971). 1:03
28. Tom Marioni. Closing. 3:32
All pieces performed, spoken by artists.
broadcasted on KPFA-FM radio, Berkeley, march 1 1971. Organized by Tom Marioni.
LP: Slowscan 27 (200 copies..) (2015)
Slowscan Volume 28. Richard Maxfield 2.
1. Richard Maxfield. Electric Symphony (1964). 12:51
2. Richard Maxfield. Dromenon (1961). 22:34
3. Richard Maxfield. Suite from Peripateia (1950-61). 23:52
4. Richard Maxfield. Wind (1961). 15:09
Richard Maxfield: elektronics.
recordings courtesy of Dick Higgins.
2LP: Slowscan 28 (250 copies) (2015)
Hallucinatory Huareches.
Josie Roth / Michael Intriere / William Huck / Jon Huck.
1. Enchanter Decanter. 5:07
2. Melt Through The Floor. 7:08
3. Moo Cow Cowling. 2:00
4. You Name It. 3:28
5. Sound Effects. 7:26
6. Hallucinatory Huareches. 3:35
Le Forte Four: Chip Chapman, Joe Potts, Rick Potts, Susan Chapman, Tom Potts: performance.
recorded December 1984 on a Sony 1/2 track stereo without noise reduction.
Engineers: Rick Potts & Joseph Hammer.
LP: Slowscan 29 (180 copies) (2015).
Whispered History of Art.
1. Dick Higgins. Introduction To Robert Filliou’s Whispered History Of Art. 6:39
Dick Higgins: voice.
2. Robert Filliou. Whispered History Of Art (1963). 20:03
Robert Filliou: voice.
recorded by Ondine Fiore, New Wilderness Studio, 1977, New York.
LP: Slowscan 30 (186 copies) (2015).
1. Joe Jones. Solar Music Hot House (Excerpt 1). 5:23
2. Joe Jones. Solar Music Hot House (Excerpt 2). 5:40
Joe Jones: performance.
7” part 1 of Wooden Box: Slowscan 40 (100 copies) (2018).