N.a.v. de programma’s over de muziek van Perotinus, voor onze oren eigenlijk heel ontoegankelijke muziek, met ondermeer een kijkje in 20ste eeuws Hoquetus techniek.
01:00 1. anonym. Mystery of Notre Dame, Plainchant and organum from the Magnus Liber Organi. Pasen.
Orlando Consort: Robert Harre-Jones*, Charles Daniels, Angus Smith, Donald Greig & Simon Berridge (ten). Plainchant(*dir): Choristers of Westminster Cathedral Choir, Gerald Beatty, Matthew Davies, Benedict Durbin, Dominic Walker (jongens-sopr) e.a., Master of music: James O’Donnell
Archiv 453 487-2
01:21 1. Leoninus. Viderunt omnes – part 1.
2. Perotinus. Viderunt omnes – part 1.
Blindman – Multiple Voice.
3. Harvey. Wheel of emptiness. Ictus.
4. Mey, Ives de. Getraid. Eavesdropper.
5. Kurtag. Versetto. Prometheus Ensemble.
6. Posman, Lucien. The Book of Los.
Goeyvaerts Consort olv Marc Michael de Smet.
7. Kurtag. Gottes Zeit.
Jan Michiels, Inge Spinette, piano.
Stemra f9319
01:47 1. anonym. Mystery of Notre Dame, Plainchant and organum from the Magnus Liber Organi. Maria ten hemelopneming.
Orlando Consort: Robert Harre-Jones*, Charles Daniels, Angus Smith, Donald Greig & Simon Berridge (ten). Plainchant(*dir): Choristers of Westminster Cathedral Choir, Gerald Beatty, Matthew Davies, Benedict Durbin, Dominic Walker (jongens-sopr) e.a., Master of music: James O’Donnell.
Archiv 453 487-2
02:15 1. Perotinus. Viderunt Omnes (bewerking Hans Koolmees). Doelenensemble en Calefax.
2. Sander Germanus. Le Tournedisque Antique (2003). Calefax.
3. Steve Reich. Music for Pieces of Wood (1975).
Slagwerkgroep Den Haag.
02:39 1. anonym. Mystery of Notre Dame, Plainchant and organum from the Magnus Liber Organi. Feest van Sint Steven.
Orlando Consort: Robert Harre-Jones*, Charles Daniels, Angus Smith, Donald Greig & Simon Berridge (ten). Plainchant(*dir): Choristers of Westminster Cathedral Choir, Gerald Beatty, Matthew Davies, Benedict Durbin, Dominic Walker (jongens-sopr) e.a., Master of music: James O’Donnell
Archiv 453 487-2
03:09 1. Machaut. Messe de Nostre Dame.
2. Perotinus. Graduale:sederunt principes.
3. Anonymus. Conductus:Pater noster commisserans.
4. Chancelier, Philippe le. Conductus:dic Christi veritas.
5. Perotinus. Graduale:viderunt omnes.
6. Anonymus. Alleluia Christus resurgens & Clausula mors.
7. Perotinus. Alleluia nativitas.
Deller consort, members of Collegium Aureum olv Alfred Deller.
DHM 05472-77416-2
04:15 Marttinen, Tauno. Notre Dame, opus 59, suite for organ.
Cees van der Poel (org)
Finlandia 0630-19053-2
04:41 1. Morales. Parce mihi domine.
2. Anoniem. Primo tempore. 3. Sanctus. 4. Regnantem sempiterna.
5. Rue, Pierre de la. O salutaris hostia.
6. Anoniem. Procedentem sponsum. 7. Pulcherrima rosa.
8. Morales. Parce mihi domine.
9. Perotinus. Beata viscera.
10. Anoniem. De spineto nata rosa. 11. Credo.
12. Dufay. Ave maris stella.
13. Anoniem. Virgo flagellatur. 14. Oratio Ieremiae.
15. Morales. Parce mihi domine.
The Hilliard Ensemble, David James, countertenor, Rogers Covey-Crump, tenor, John Potter, tenor, Jan Garbarek, saxofoons.
ECM New Series 445 369-2
05:59 1. anon. Office for the New Year at Puy-en-Velay Cathedral (XIIth century).
Ensemble Gilles Binchois olv Dominique Vellard
2. Abelard, Pierre. O quanta qualita, motet.
Andrea von Ramm, mezzo, Richard Levitt, counter, Sterling Jones, chitarra seracenica, Thomas Binkley, luit.
3. Perotinus. Alleluia posuis adjutorium.
Studio der frühen Musik olv Thomas Binkley.
Virgin Classics 5 62126 2
06:24 1. Perotinus. Dum sigillum summi patris. 2. Sancte germane. 3. Viderunt omnes.
Ensemble Gilles Binchois olv Dominique Vellard
Harmonic Records H/CD 9349