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Dancing and the Blues

sun 1 aug 2021 00:00 hour
Composer: Meade Lux Lewis

Episode #11: Rob Agerbeek (part 1) A podcast about jazz with colourful guests and swinging music from Ben van den Dungen.

Rob Agerbeek

Art Blakey once said:“jazz has to be danceable and has to have the blues”. Dancing and the blues is a podcast about jazz. Jazz musicians Ben van den Dungen, Tom Ridderbeekx and Thijs Nissen receive colourful guests with tall tales, intriguing conversations and a healthy dose of swinging music. A small glimpse from the apex of the pyramid of the international jazz world with live performances from our studio!

Rob Agerbeek, one of the ‘Grand Old Men’ of the Dutch Jazz Piano. In 1954 he immigrated to the Netherlands and started playing piano. Rob’s mother was a classical piano teacher, but the most he learned was from Albert Ammons, Pete Johnson and Meade Lux Lewis’ records.

Rob is fully self-taught, minus one piano lesson from his mother. He taught himself how to play piano by listening to vinyl records. Initially he would solely play on the black keys. In his early years he would be engorged by the boogie-woogie, but he expanded his horizon with bebop, hard bop and dixieland.

He has accompanied numerous legendary American jazz musicians such as Ben Webster, Dexter Fordon, Hank Mobley and Johnny Griffin. He has played at many international jazz festivals, such as Berlin, Paris and the North Sea Jazz Festival. He also played 6 times with ‘Art Blakey & the Jazzmessengers’!

He is praised for his versatility and tasteful playing, not to mention his infectious swing!

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