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Contemporary Music

Today’s Music by Today’s Composers.

The Third Viennese School.

Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven belong to the First Viennese School, Schönberg and Webern belong to the Second Viennese School. The Third Viennese School came to be in the ’80s of the 20th century. Various influences came together in their music.


– Beat Furrer. (photo) Spur. Kammerensemble Neue Musik Berlin.

– Bernhard Lang. Die Sterne des Hungers: I. Präludium. Klangforum Wien conducted by Sylvain Chambreling.

– Olga Neuwirth. Lonicera caprifolium. Klangforum Wien conducted by Peter Eötvös.

– Furrer. Pianoconcert. Nicolas Hodges, piano. WDR Sinfonieorchester Köln conducted by Peter Rundel.

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