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Contemporary Music

sun 21 jan 2018 17:00 hour

For decades ‘the sorceress of percussion’, Claire Edwardes, has been working with instrumentalists and composers from her country of birth: Australia. In this broadcast,  with the title ‘Kammerbox’, we bring to you a collection of chamber music, which was specially written for Claire Edwardes.


They give an overview of the best percussion music of Australian composers, such as Ross Edwards, Peter Sculthorpe, and Gerard Brophy. Claire herself plays on the marimba, vibraphone or on percussion.


Cole, Amanda – Glocken Blocken

Edwards, Ross – Djanaba

Abbott, Katy – Re-Echo

Edwards, Ross – Binyang

Psathas, John – Fragment

Brophy, Gerard – We Bop

Grenfell, Maria – Di Primavera

Ford, Andrew – No Man’s Land

Sculthorpe, Peter – Djilile

Dargaville, Tim – Invisible Dance

Greenbaum, Stuart – Two Interludes in Space


Recordings come from the Australian Broadcasting Corporation 2016 / Itunes


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