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Contemporary Music

sun 28 apr 2013 17:00 hour

Gaudeamus Muziekweek 2012
Prima donna with violin

In this sixth episode which is dedicated to the Gaudemus Muziekweek 2012 we will go back to the first Sunday afternoon of the festival, to Park Lepelenburg where pieces of Dyane Donck and Wouter Snoei could be listened to. The following night Monica Germino and the Asko|Schönberg performed La Girò by Louis Andriessen in the Geertekerk. On the final day of the festival the gamelan ensemble Gending played pieces by Orestis Goumenos and Janco Verduin in the Conservatory of Utrecht.
1. Dyane Donck. Gaudeamus Muziekweek 2012 – Frauke Wiarda, Musicaerial – I Talk to the Wind (2012).
Meri Nikula – voice, Tijn Berkelmans – electronics
Concertzender E05376
2. Wouter Snoei. Gaudeamus Muziekweek 2012 – Frauke Wiarda, Musicaerial – Deviation (2012).
Wouter Snoei – live electronics
Concertzender E05376
3. Louis Andriessen. Gaudeamus Muziekweek 2012 – Asko Schönberg conducted by Gregory Charette – La Girò (2011).
Asko | Schönberg conducted by Gregory Charette
Concertzender E05377
4. Orestis Goumenos. Gaudeamus Muziekweek 2012 – Ensemble Gending – River Division (2012).
Ensemble Gending conducted by Jurrien Sligter Concertzender E05396
5. Janco Verduin. Gaudeamus Muziekweek 2012 – Ensemble Gending – How to Recognise Different Types of Trees from Quite a Long Way Away (2012).
Ensemble Gending conducted by Jurrien Sligter Concertzender E05396

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