Concertzender Outlook on this week’s musical headlines.
With the CD of the week, concert schedule and interviews with guests.
Host: Stef Lokin
Anouk Diepenbroek is being interviewed over the phone about the new education project of Muziekgebouw aan ‘t IJ, Soundlab.
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Henk van den Breemen talks about the upcoming final of the Ambitus organ contest
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Concert tips and museums
Up to 17 September, Museum Volkenkunde, Leiden.
The exhibition: COOL JAPAN: Worldwide Fascination in Focus
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Sunday afternoon, 25 June, 13.00 hours. Deliplein, Rotterdam
Kid Dynamite Jazz Festival
The line-up of this freely accessable family jazz festival of this year consists of: the Ploctones, Steffen Morrison, Raad van Toezicht, CaboCubaJazz, Samba Salad and Hakim
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Sunday 2 July, curtain 16.00 hours. Geertekerk, Utrecht
Programme: ‘Noordse klanken’, (Northern sounds) music by Eduard Tubin and Pärt
Performers, Trajecti Voces and the UMA chamber orchestra conducted by Marco Bons
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Wednesday 28 June, curtain 20.00 hours. TivoliVredenburg, Utrecht
Programme: Opening concert International Chamber Music Festival Utrecht
Doderer like the sun II (world premiere)
Brahms Piano quartet no. 1
Korngold Suite, opus 23
Performers: Harriet Krijgh, Janine Jansen and many others
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Wednesday 28 June, curtain 20.00 hours. De Krijtberg, Amsterdam.
Programme: Sweelinck, Guerrero, Miškinis, Barber, and Monteverd and many others
Performers: Kammerchor Manila under the direction of Anthony Villanueva,
Photonen Vocaal Ensemble and the Utrechts Vocaal Ensemble under the direction of Jeroen Spitteler
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Maurice Jarre
Theme from the longest day
CD of the Week

CD of the week
Composer: Henri Jacques de Croes
Title: Motetten
Artists: Capella Brugensis & Collegium Instrumentale Brugense under the direction of Patrick Peire
Bettina Pahn – soprano
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Henri Jacques de Croes
A facie Domini , Aria Veni Data Munerum, Innova in visceribus meis
Capella Brugensis & Collegium Instrumentale Brugense under the direction of Patrick Peire
Bettina Pahn – soprano
Brian Eno
Music for airports 1/2
Brian Eno and Bang on a can
The ploctones
Miles Davis
Round Midnight
Eduard Tubin
Violin Sonata nr 2 – I allegro
Marko Martin – viool
Johanna Doderer
Piano Trio nr. 4 DWV 79
Vilos Trio
Satoshi Yagisawa
The life of a Samurai
Horikoshi High School wind Ensemble under the direction of Takashi Yoshizawa
Karlheinz Stockhausen
Gaspar Fernandes
Eso rigor e repente: Negrilla
La Chimera, Eduardo Eguez, Ivan Garcia
J.S. Bach
Allein Gott in der Höh’ sei Ehr
Gilian Weir
Hugo Distler
Nun komm der Heiden Heiland
Armin Schoof
5 madrigals from Book 1
Le Nuove Musiche conducted by Koetsveld
John Adams
Short ride in a Fast machine