Concertzender Naples; during the Early Music Festival 2019, we feature a daily hour of early music from Naples. Fifteenth-century music at the Spanish court in Naples.
During this hour, we will visit 15th-centry Naples. The Kingdom of Naples was reigned by Spanish Kings of the House of Aragón. Music was important at the Spanish-Neapolitan court. In 1451, the court chapel was the largest in the whole of Italy.
The Spanish kings had musicians and composers come over mainly from Spain. But they did not only employ Spanish composers. In those days, musicians travelled throughout Europe and, also in Naples, one could encounter people who originated from the Lower Countries in northwest Europe.

Ferdinand II van Aragon
Pietro Oriola (active ca.1440–1484)
1. O vos homines qui transitis
Ensemble Daedalus
(Accent ACC 10068, 2005)
Pietro Oriola
2. Trista che espera
3. Dança
Capella de Ministrers conducted by Carles Magraner
(Licanus SL CDM 1029, 2010)
Johannes Cornago (ca.1400–na 1475)
4. Ayo visto lo mappamundo
Capella de Ministrers conducted by Carles Magraner
(Licanus SL CDM 1029, 2010)
Johannes Cornago
5. Morte, merce, gentile aquill’altera
Ensemble Daedalus
(Accent ACC 10068, 2005)
Johannes Cornago
6. Yerra con poco saber
(Hyperion CDA66814, 1995)
Johannes Tinctoris (ca.1430–1511)
7. Lamentatio Jeremiae
Voces Æquales
(Hungaroton HCD 32583, 2008)
Franchinus Gaffurius (1451–1522)
8. Beata progenies
9. Virgo Dei
10. Imperatrix reginarum
11. Gloriosae Virginis Mariae
Renata Fusco, soprano. Massimo Lonardi, lute
(Discantica 103, 2011)
Seraphino Aquilano (1466–1500)
12. Tu dormi, io veglio
Renata Fusco, soprano. Massimo Lonardi, lute
(Discantica 103, 2011)
Seraphino Aquilano
13. Gridan vostri ochi
(Hyperion CDA66814, 1995)
Bernhard Ycart (active ca. 1470–1480)
14. Non toches a moy
Capella de Ministrers conducted by Carles Magraner
(Licanus SL CDM 1029, 2010)