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Concertzender Live

Concerts from around the country, recorded by Concertzender.

Live recordings of Vivaldi, Tanejev, Beethoven and Lecuona.

Concertzender Live Classical is all over the place this afternoon. We’ll start with a bassoon concert by Vivaldi performed by Dorian Cooke, solo bassoon player of the Residentieorkest. She’s accompanied by a small group of string players, featuring Dirk Luijmans on the harpsichord. After that, you’ll hear beautiful chamber music pieces by Tanejev and Beethoven, and we’ll end with a Malagueña for four guitars by the Polish Erlendis Quartet. The piano quartet by Tanejev, a close friend of Tchaikovsky, has, like all romantic Russian chamber music, the melancholy of the winter landscape and the rustling skirts and braids of the dancers. Beethoven’s chamber music doesn’t need an explanation. Both his string quartet Opus 59 no. 3 and his third cello sonata are highlights of the oeuvre in both genres, and enthusiasts already know them. All of the musicians were involved as a teacher at the Orlando Festival 2018.


  1. Antonio Vivaldi. Bassoon concert in C major, RV 473
    Dorian Cooke: bassoon. Dirk Luijmes: harpsichord. Toby Hughes: double bass. Tayrona Quartet: Mimi Jung, Pablo Kirschner Vilalta: violin. Alena Klimova: viola. Diego Ernesto Hernández-Vidal: cello
  2. Sergei Tanejev. Piano quartet in E major, Op. 20
    Malevitsj Piano Quartet: Andrey Roszyk: violin. Ian Psegodski: viola. Stéphane Glampellegrini: cello. Sofiia Raïchenko: piano
  3. Ludwig van Beethoven. String quartet no. 9 in C major, Op. 59 no. 3
    Rusquartet: Xenia Gamaris, Anna Yanchishina: violin. Ksenia Zhuleva: viola. Peter Karetnikov: cello
  4. Ludwig van Beethoven. Cello sonata no. 3 in A major, Op. 69
    Mikhail Nemtsov: cello. Elena Nemtsova: piano
  5. Ernesto Lecuona. Malaguena
    Erlendis Kwartet: Anna Chorazyczewska, Adrian Furmankiewicz, Wojciech Jurkiewicz, Karol Mruk: guitar
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