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Concertzender Live

Lisa Ferschtman (vi) and Roman Rabinovitsj (pi) play Bartók, Brahms and Beethoven.

Concertzender Live Classic’s two hours are well-filled with a splendid recital by Lisa Ferschtman. Roman Rabinovich accompanies her on piano. This is their recital from November 2019. They begin with the poetic and warmly romantic Sonata No. 1 by Brahms. They also end with Brahms. The young, Northern-Irish trombonist will play, or actually, sing, the Vier Ernste Gesänge by the great Johannes Brahms with his baritone voice. Meanwhile, Lisa and Roman will treat us to wonderful music from Bartok, his first violin sonata and Subito, a short encore from Polish master Lutoslawski. Beethoven will also be present with his Sonata No. 10. His Op. 96, in which we can already detect Brahms’ romantic spirit. To forget about all the intimacy, the Romanian folk dances will pass by as an encore to the recital, after which we shall hear the trombone.



  1. Johannes Brahms, Sonatea No. 1 in G major, Op. 78
    Lisa Ferschtman, violin / Roman Rabinovich, piano
  2. Béla Bartók, Sonata No. 1 in C-sharp minor, Sz. 75
    Lisa Ferschtman, violin / Roman Rabinovich, piano
  3. Witold Lutoslawski, Subito
    L. Ferschtman, violin; R. Rabinovich, piano
  4. Ludwig van Beethoven, Sonata No. 10 in G major, Op. 96
    Lisa Ferschtman, violin / Roman Rabinovich, piano
  5. Bartók, Béla, Romanian folk dances
    Lisa Ferschtman, violin / Roman Rabinovich, piano
  6. Brahms, Johannes, Vier ernste Gesänge, Op. 121
    Peter Moore, trombone / James Baillieu, piano.
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