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Concertzender live!

thu 3 apr 2014 20:00 hour

Recordings of the DoelenEnsemble led by Arie van Beek,
made on 9 October 2010 at the Grote Zaal (Large Hall) of Doelen, Rotterdam.

1. Harrison Birtwistle. Panic.
Johan van der Linden, saxophone.
Wilbert Grootenboer, drums.
DoelenEnsemble led by Arie van Beek.
2. Benjamin Britten. Phaedra, opus 93.
Helena Rasker, alto.
DoelenEnsemble led by Arie van Beek.
3. Steven Martland. Dance Works.
DoelenEnsemble led by Arie van Beek.
Engineer: Kees Sterrenburg.
Producer: Kees van de Wiel.

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