November Music 2012 #8.
Eighth of thirteen episodes with live recordings of about all the concerts that took place during the November Music festival 2012.
Today a.o. two improvisation concerts from Theater Artemis. You will hear the DefunEnsemble and the duo Joris Posthumus and Edmar Castaneda.
1. Magnus Lindberg. Action-Situation-Signification. (1982).
2. Joel Ryan. More Liquid Than Solid.
Defunensemble: Emil Holmström, piano. Markus Hohti, cello. Mikko Raasakka, klarinet. Janne Tuomi, slagwerk. Sami Klemola, live electronics.
Live recording by Richard de Gruyl on 10 November 2012 in Theater Artemis in ‘s-Hertogenbosch.
3. Zeno van den Broek. Convergence.
Zeno van den Broek, electronics.Recorded by composer.
Edmar Castaneda.
4. Entre Coedar.
5. Double Portion.
6. A Harp in New York.
Edmar Casaneda, harp. Joris Posthumus, saxophone.
Live recording by Richard de Gruyl on 11 November 2012 in Theater Artemis in ‘s-Hertogenbosch.