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Clear as Crystal

sun 25 feb 2018 20:00 hour

Today’s Innovative Electro-acoustic Music.


“Litio” is the first album from the project composed by Alberto Boccardi (electronics), Antonio Bertoni (double bass) and Paolo Mongardi (drums).
After the release of “Fingers”, Cassauna – Important Records, Alberto asked Paolo and Antonio in October ’14 to come along to perform the album live. During the extensive tour dates the trio starting laying the foundation for new materials, where the three had the need to work on something deeper, at the edge between electronics and acoustics.  You can listen tonight to the concerning concert registration during the B-Motion festival, last 4 September in Bassano, Italy 

Previous to the concert you will hear a number of other works.


01. Tortoise. Seneca. Standards.
Label: Thrill Jockey

02. Rafael Toral. My head on your shoulder feels like home. Lullabies.
Label: Meeuw Muzak

03. Rafael Toral. Little stars. Lullabies.
Label: Meeuw Muzak

04. Rafael Toral. Bodyjoya mix (pt. 12), dreaming into the locked groove. Lullabies.
Label: Meeuw Muzak

05. Kostis Kilymis. The Commons. A Void.
Label: Organised Music from Thessaloniki

06. LITIO live at B-Motion festival Bassano, Italy part I

07. LITIO live at B-Motion festival Bassano, Italy part II


The whole album can be listened to on:


Produced by:
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