Classical Matters | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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Classical Matters

A primeval Norwegian forrest atmosphere, created by Mari en Hakon Samuelsen, a guest appearance by George Fredric Handel and l’Arpeggiata in the New York Village Vanguard jazzclub, and Sons of Bach on Sebastian Knauer’s piano stool.

Mari Samuelsen


Nordic Noir
Mari Samuelsen, violin
Hakon Samuelsen, cello
Trondheim Soloists
DECCA (2017)


 Intro Nordic Noir

 Timelapse | Uno Helmersson (from the film Magnus)

 Love & Rage | J. Söderqvist (from the film Love and Rage)

 Vél komne Med Æra | Geirr Tveitt arr. Simon Hale





Händel goes wild
l’Arpeggiata | Christina Pluhar, conductor
Nuria Rial, soprano
Valer Sabadus, countertenor
Gianluigi Trovesi, saxophone/clarinet
Doron David Sherwin, cornetto
ERATO (2017)


 Venti Turbini (from Rinaldo)

 O, Sleep Why Dost Thou Leave Me? (from Semele)

 Pena Tiranna (from Amadigi)

 Verdi Prati (from Alcina)




Johann Christian Bach


Bach & Sons, Vol.2
Züricher Kammerorchester | Sebastian Knauer, conductor
Sebastian Knauer, piano
Philippe Jundt, flute
Daniel Hope, violin

 C.P.E. Bach | Piano concerto in G, Wq 43 nr. 5

 J.C. Bach | Piano concerto in f






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