Chronicle of Dutch Music | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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Chronicle of Dutch Music

tue 14 mar 2023 21:00 hour
Composers: Ed de Boer | Hans Kox

Works by Hans Kox (1930-2019).


1. Violin Concerto (1961).
Theo Olof, violin.
Radio Filharmonisch Orkest conducted by Jean Fournet.

2. Suite Dorian Gray (1979).
Tasmanian Symphony Orchestra conducted by David Porcelijn.

3. L’Allegria (1967).
Lucia Meeuwissen, soprano.
Fine Arts Ensemble conducted by Melvin Mangolis.

4. Ed de Boer (b. 1957). Tombeau for Hans Kox (2019).
Charly Delbecq, piano.


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