Chronicle of Dutch Music | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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Chronicle of Dutch Music

tue 7 mar 2023 21:00 hour

For the third time, the Chronicle of Dutch Music is dedicated to the music of the somewhat forgotten composer Hendrik Andriessen (1892-1981)—this time with some of his more famous works, which amateur orchestras can also perform.


1. Ricercare (1949).
Residentie Orchestra conducted by Ed Spanjaard.

2. Chromatic Variations (1970).
Tom Reinders, flute. Herman Vincken, oboe.
Maurits Bosman, violin. Dimitri Ferschtman, cello.
Dutch Radio Chamber Orchestra conducted by David Porcelijn.

3. Capriccio for orchestra (1941).
Phion conducted by David Porcelijn.

4. Variations and Fugue on a Theme of Johann Kuhnau (1935).
Radio Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Jaap van Zweden.

5. Wilhelmus van Nassouwe (1950).
Phion conducted by David Porcelijn.


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