Chronicle of Dutch Music | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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Chronicle of Dutch Music

tue 15 jun 2021 21:00 hour
Composer: Rita Hijmans

Rita Hijmans (born 1948), episode 2.

1. “An instrument to win the Peace” (1992/98).
Aristos Quartet. Matangi Quartet. Ft. Marijn van Prooijen, double bass.

2. Een grijze morgen” (2013).
Eleonoor Pamijer, flute

3. Postal card for soprano, bass clarinet and marimba (1992).
Djoke Winkler-Prins, soprano. Henri Bok, bass clarinet. Miquel Bernat, marimba.

4. “Vier gedichten van C.O. Jellema” (2002).
Irene Maessen, soprano. Marja bon, piano.

5. “We travel like other people” (2000).
Het Leids Projektkoor.
Davis Salinas, clarinet. Henri Blok, bass clarinet. Miquel Bernat, vibraphone.

6. Harploper” (2011).
Duo Bilitis.

Produced by:
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